I've been busy TAing and trying to graduate so blog posts have been rare. I hope I will have more time to write for fun rather than work soon, but as promised posts will be sporadic at best till I am on my way to graduating.
I've been debating my next step after graduation. I really enjoy teaching and interacting with college students, so I think I am going to focus on getting a teaching job. That said, I am open to doing more research in a post-doc position, but I would like some more training on teaching college courses. Not sure what kind of opportunities for a 50/50 research/teaching post-doc exists, but I'm looking.
Part of why I want to teach is because I have had some great teachers. From time to time I want to use this blog to honor the teachers that have made a major impact on me. Today it will be easy since I will be linking to an article. Mr. Reise was my Bio Honors teacher. He's inspired my teaching style in many ways and is the person behind SPONCH (because CHONPS isn't a word).