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PhD in #Microbiology interested in #therapeutics, #drugresistance, #science #education, geek/nerd culture, and podcasts.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

It’s time to start actually using my blog.

I have graduated, so I no longer need to worry about being exposed and having it somehow affect earning my PhD.  I had those concerns though and have some concerns as to whether blogging with affect future employment opportunities.  I am mostly pseudonymous though, so I shouldn’t worry too much.

But I worry…  It must be in my genes.  Anxiety that fuels impostor syndrome or impostor syndrome fueling anxiety that leads to depression and a lack of self-confidence.  But I am clearly not alone in this.  So many other people in academia deal with these sorts of health issues, but we try to keep it quiet, in order to not be seen as weak and avoid any stigma.  Others have been brave and shared their stories.

Maybe it is time to share more of my story in addition to talking about science I hear on podcasts or other “stupid” ideas or questions I have that might turn out to be useful.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Science and the News

Joe Palca of NPR gave a talk about Science and the News
  1. I wasn't tweeting during the talk, so I decided to Storify what others were saying.  It was a fantastic talk about communicating science.
  2. .@joepalca begins his talk with the worst powerpoint EVER. On purpose. His "visual joke after being stuck in an audio medium for so long"
  3. .@joepalca skewers PowerPoint talks, gets crowd-pleasing laughs to start@ucdavis talk: pic.twitter.com/RThvYGahuP
  4. @Dr_Bik Wait, we actually have dueling "worst presentations ever" between @joepalca and @Drew_Lab  https://twitter.com/Drew_Lab/status/400715903974649857  AND @CMBuddle?
  5. .@joepalca on big news vs. big science news: "The really well known Big Science News story of 2013 will be well known in 5-10 years"
  6. .@joepalca showing examples of how Nobel-papers hardly get press when first published... but tons after award. @ucdavis
  7. .@joepalca: Nobel Prize winners rarely have their most important research covered by mainstream outlets when the papers are first published
  8. .@joepalca showing graph of BRCA mentions in the mainstream media - Skyrocketed when Angelina Jolie announced her mastectomy
  9. .@joepalca: "We can do a better job of telling science stories..."@ucdavis
  10. .@joepalca started a new project: Joe's Big Idea - covering non-hyped stories, and cool basic science  https://www.facebook.com/joesbigidea 
  11. .@joepalca explains one goal of "Joe's Big Idea": to talk science as a process, not just the "practical app... https://t.co/jE04yPyUSV
  12. .@joepalca "There should be more of me" - as in, there should be more people trying to disrupt the status quo in science reporting
  13. .@joepalca response to audience question on rise of researcher-communicators/bloggers: "It's fantastically exciting..." @ucdavis
  14. .@joepalca is super excited that scientists are using blogs and twitter - question is, what is the economic model for this type of scicomm?
  15. .@joepalca is hilarious. This has been an awesome talk, and so inspiring. I want to bike right home and blog!!
  16. It was truly inspirational.  Makes me think about blogging the small 'basic science' discoveries in obscure papers I tend to read and emphasizing the scientific process.